Why RoboESL?
Recent studies show that school failure may lead to school disengagement and early school leaving. The problem of school failure and early school leaving (ESL) challenges European educational systems as well as European economies. Many students who fail in school or are at risk of early school describe the school curriculum and the existing teaching practices as discouraging factors towards staying at school. These students often claim they are rarely offered with opportunities to develop their creativity, to work on hands-on activities and to learn practical skills useful in their life.
During last decade studies assure that educational robotics (ER) can provide learning experiences that promote children’s creative thinking, collaborative spirit, and problem solving skills – the essential skills necessary in the workplace of the 21st century. Educational Robotics is a modern learning practice that draws upon the conception of Constructivism (Piaget) and Constructionism (Papert) and project-based learning. ER emerges as a unique tool that creates an attractive learning environment that engages students in hands-on and enjoyable learning activities.
RoboESL uses ER to motivate students at risk of school failure and disengagement towards staying at school and improving their performance.