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ERASMUS+ Project RoboESL: 2015-1-IT02-KA201-015141

ROBOESL projects

Here you access the 10 ROBOESL projects and the relevant pedagogical guidelines

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ROBOESL Activities

Here you can access the RoboESL activities performed by the participant schools

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News and Events

Stay tuned!

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Registration for the ROBOESL Conference is now open

The registration for the ROBOESL Conference is now open! Find out more information here Conference website:   

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The 2nd Roboesl training course is now over!

The 2nd international ROBOESL training course has been successfully completed. It took place in Riga (LV) on June 14-18, 2016 with 20 participants from all the partner sites. In the context of the course the project progress was discussed and evaluated, past learning activities were reviewed and robotics labs were conducted (i.e. the Sunflower project, Let’s play and dance project, […]

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2nd training course in Riga

The second training course is organised in Riga (LT) from June 14 to June 18, 2016.  Useful information about the course and the course material can be found online at the eclass learning platform. We will be at your disposal for any queries.  

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Roboesl conference

Information regarding the 1st ROBOESL conference “Robotics-based learning interventions for preventing school failure and early school leaving”  has now been released! The conference explores the role of technology and educational robotics in particular as means for preventing early school leaving and school failure. It also emphasizes learning interventions and activities that support and enhance students’ creativity, challenge their imagination, provide links to […]

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Roboesl at Maker Fest

Students from the Liceo Fermi in Genova presented their robotic constructions and projects at the ‪#‎Makerfest‬ at Genova on June 11, 2016. The event focused on making with robotics. The students will be given the opportunity to present in public their work and to communicate their ideas to a large audience of makers and friends of robotics. The event is organized by MADlab […]

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ROBOESL goes to Abu Dhabi

Roboesl goes to Abu Dhabi at IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference 2016. Prof. Pagello (Università di Padova) referred to ROBOESL project during his presentation of the paper “Training master students to program both virtual and real autonomous robots in a teaching laboratory” written by Elisa Tosello, Stefano Michieletto and Enrico Pagello.

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ROBOESL at Athens Science Festival

It was a fantastic and creative Sunday! Edumotiva together with students and teachers of the 56th and 23rd secondary school of Athens presented ROBOESL in the visitors of the Athens Science Festival! The students took an active role demonstrating their robotic constructions to the general public, communicating the message that “learning can be a playful and creative process” [Not a […]

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RoboESL goes to Athens Science Festival!

On April 9-10, 2016  RoboESL team will be in the Athens Science Festival together with students from Greek secondary schools of Athens; the students will share their RoboESL robotic constructions, key design ideas and thoughts with the visitors of the audience. The Athens Science Festival is one of the biggest celebrations of science and technology in Greece. Over a week’s time, students and other […]

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1st training course in Athens- press release

The press release regarding the 1st ROBOESL teacher training session

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The 7th secondary educational committee of the Municipality of Athens in collaboration with the European Lab of Educational Technology- Edumotiva in the context of the RoboESL project organise the 5-days seminar for teachers titled: “Robotics-based learning interventions for preventing school failure and Early School Leaving”. Meeting venue: ICT lab of the 2nd Experimental Lyceum of Athens (Greece) | map Dates:  24/2  3:00-8:00 pm  | […]

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