ROBOESL Conference | Proceedings


The Conference Proceedings are now available: 


Cover Page, Table of Contents, Author Index, Preface of Proceedings

List of papers

Papers in English

ROBOESL project Report from Valmiera`s Secondary school No 5, Maija Bluezma and Lolita Krilova

The Role of Robotics in Promoting the learning motivation to Decrease the Early School Leaving Risks, Linda Daniela and Raimonds Strods

Experiences from ROBOESL project implementation in the 23rd Athens Junior High School, Georgios Fragkakis

RoboESL project at 56th Junior High School of Athens. Activities and experiences from our 1st implementation, Tassos Karampinis and Marianthi Zixnali

Robotics based learning activities in vocational education for combating Early School Leaving (RoboEsl), Panagiotis Karkazis, Thomais Spiliou, Georgios Pitsiakos, Dimitrios Panagopoulos and Dimitra Roussou

Learning by Making and ESL: an Experience with Educational Robotics, Michele Lattarulo, Giovanni Massidda and Erica Sozzi

The development of robotic enhanced curricula for the RoboESL project premises, objectives, preliminary results, Michele Moro, Francesca Agatolio and Emanuele Menegatti

Papers in Greek

Robotics Educational Activities for Combating Early School Leaving ROBOESL an Example of Waste Sorting, Konstantinos Asimakopoulos, Ioannis Saranteas, Ioannis Makaris, Georgia Sandali, Konstantinos Anastasopoulos and Georgios Pitsiakos

Robotics as an educational practice on vulnerable social groups: The example of the robotics team of “Faros tou Kosmou”, a roma protecting center in Dendropotamos, Thessaloniki, Nikoletta Katsavou

Coding Club: A Learning Community in the School, Stavroula Misthou

Bene fit from “circle making”: Developing Computational Thinking through robotics and programming, Angeliki Theodosi

Design, implementation and evaluation of robotic airplane flight simulation learning programming scenarios in Primary Education, George Zabetoglou and Apostolos Xenakis

Cite this book as:

Alimisi R. (2016) (Ed.) Robotics-based Learning Interventions for Preventing School Failure & Early School Leaving, ROBOESL Conference 2016 Proceedings, EDUMOTIVA, Athens